Focused Wizardry from Robert Juliat Merlin at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Madrid
Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Madrid, is Spain’s biannual style statement for the international fashion stage, and a forum in which Robert Juliat’s Merlin followspot was able to work its magic. Entrusted with its high-profile lighting design, Citylight S.L., a leading Madrid-based rental, sales and installation company, boosted its lighting inventory with the purchase of four Robert Juliat Merlin followspots to ensure the country’s hottest fashion moments were bathed in light of the highest quality.
Citylight positioned the four Merlin spots front-of-house in the vast Feria de Madrid venue to cover the models as they paraded on the catwalk. “With throw distances of 30m to 40m, it was very clear we required the high quality afforded by the Merlins,” Citylight stated.
Robert Juliat’s Merlin 2500W HMI touring followspot occupies a unique space in the market. Its vast 3°-12° zoom range offers the widest choice of ranges in one single unit, along with an output that belies its 2500W power consumption. This makes Merlin, with its 4:1 ratio, the most versatile followspot capable of covering both long and medium throw distances. Its variable zoom optics also ensure sharp focus at every beam angle.
Designed originally to endure the rigours of touring, the fully-featured Merlin followspots, supplied to Citylight by Robert Juliat’s Spanish distributor, Entertainment Equipment Supplies (EES), proved themselves flexible enough to confer a subtle yet powerful beam onto the fashion stage.
Merlin’s internal frost and other filters enabled soft-edged looks, whilst the shutters focussed the light to contain excess light spill. Merlin was also put through its paces in following the models along the length of the exceptionally long catwalk. This highlighted Merlin’s exceptional zoom capabilities as each unit retained perfect beam control over the whole length of the stage from front to back.
Citylight were ‘very satisfied’ with the solid contribution of the Merlin followspots to the final design, enthusing that ‘everything was precisely as it should be’ in terms of operational ease, rigging and set up.
EES added, “We are getting better and better feedback on the Merlin and are so confident that it is going to become the new icon amongst followspots. Merlin is a ‘must have’ for all sorts of quality events and venues, so it is very exciting to have them in our inventory.”
More details:
Product page Merlin 1515
Video presentation
Merlin micro website